artist taxi driver

[click image]


Mark McGowan was suspended from YouTube for two weeks for alleged "hate speech" and the "offending" video was taken down. First off, I saw that video and he was being sarcastic, dramatizing irony, the guy doesn't have a hate bone in his body, despite his loudness and profanity. He's a damn cream puff, okay? He's beautiful... albeit hard on the nerves a great deal of the time.

Anyway, he seems shocked that YouTube would do that. I'm not. We learn our lessons about using free services on the intertubes. We pay a heavy price.

So he went over to Vimeo to vent during his suspension. I don't know if he'll keep them both up now, or drop one in favor of the other. I kind of enjoyed the quiet, much as I sincerely do love him to bits.

I linked this video because of the very end of it. He's doing his usual ranting through the whole thing. At the very end he says:

The reason why we don't cause trouble
is because we're waiting for the few crumbs to fall off the table
so we can pick them up.

He said a mouthful there, could've spared us the raving and made that one point... skewered us with it.
