i know i've mentioned this before

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But for all you raccoon lovers, don't be a jackass! They are not "clean". They are not "harmless vegetarians". They eat carrion, hunt prey, rip the shit out of your garden and compost pile and garbage bins and pets. They will break your windows and come in and decimate your kitchen. They are agressive. They are smart. Their nests are the stankiest, filthiest, most horrifically toxic shit holes you can imagine.

They piss and shit in their nests. They die and leave the bodies of their dead to rot away in their nests. Their nests are made of whatever is to hand, including the stuff you have stored in your attic or basement. It is ripped to shreds. Filthy. Almost not recognizable.

Did I mention the stink?

They wander in packs in the night. They slaughter whatever they can catch.

They're as far from cute and cuddly as it gets.