i found an important clue in this lecture

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I know I posted it a long time ago, but there was a line in it about the activation of the motor cortex involved in learning a new language that is most helpful with honing psychic ability. Ingo Swann, here, is comporting himself as half old lady and half prima dona, but he can be forgiven because he is saying some important things.

Anyway, I got the bright idea to investigate remote viewing from this one point, not so much to get into remote viewing, and certainly not Hinduism, but to look at what they might have to say about the mechanics. I mean, that one point did a lot for me. Maybe they have more. So I set about it, stoked. Then I had a dream, a flash of a dream, where I was about to enter a dark doorway and a very muscular man yanked me back from it, and the words "WRONG SANA" were ringing in my ears. It was so fast I could not tell where it came from, no matter how many suspicions I had, but the message was clear. Don't go there.

It was not specified precisely why... and all I could tell was I should stop.

Yet, listening to Buchanan the other day, another piece of plaque broke loose... pulling the holographic nature of reality thing into a tighter understanding. A cosmic globe popped up in my mind instead of Indra's Net. I get this feeling whenever I hear important things that can only be described as "giddy". This is both wonderful and horrible. Because it gives a mechanical clue. But the giddiness itself tends to the-wrong-kind-of-empty my head.

It's really hard to remember not to follow things like giddiness and love and displeasure and animosity and identification. People who think this stuff is about being mild and not swearing and loving everybody so much you never think of things like summary execution have their heads up their asses. All that stuff is about learning the rudiments of not chasing off after every whim, about anchoring one enough to begin to get the point.

But if one is focussed on stilling oneself to that degree, chasing stillness, one is as apt to miss the bus as when one is chasing giddiness.

My teacher has been maddeningly silent through all this, using feathers where sledge hammers are so much more efficient, and I'm stuck dealing with this circus myself. It is well. It is another matter to inspire oceanic gratitude here, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

I don't know if it is okay that I'm taking my clues from out here in the world. I don't know if it was right my teacher is so good at giving only part of a clue and leaving me, coldly, to do the rest myself. On the one hand, that would seem perfect, transcendentally perfect. But on the other, is it doing me good to be getting more clues out here, in this manner, from these sources? I definitely can't follow giddy. I need to stew in my juices. I need to stop and look.

It's been helpful as heck, getting me at last somewhere like back on track after being decked at UCSF nearly seven years ago. That has been an unforgivable loss of time. I don't even know if saving me from ending up in a wheelchair is excuse enough for it.

I might have thousands more words to say about this... or none.... I don't know. I may post more here later.


I do know it's okay to get clues from the world. That's the whole gig. I mean that I don't know if it's okay to keep getting them from these guys. They're going for it direct, without realization, without filling their storehouse consciousness with better material... blind to karma. The wrong sana.

I think Ingo Swann and Russell Targ are maybe a little closer, a little more serious, and I can see that Lyn Buchanan at least wants to be, but this is all coming at it from the wrong end.

I'm not going there.

But I'm going to try to be sure to hear them, anyway, because problems puzzling me for decades sometimes get resolved... at least in the walking around mind... which has been the one holding me up....