But he's making this hairy deal out of his realization that Yahweh was a figment of the imagination of psychopaths. I think I attended Sunday School twice... maybe three times... when I was three years old. I was convinced, at the time, that these people are crazy, that their story is... well... bullshit. It has taken me a lifetime to care about it enough to cede that many religious people mean well, that bashing them for being credulous ninnies is just nasty and self-aggrandizing, but neither should I just go about my business as though they aren't here.
So, sheesh, listening to Farrell, who truly has spent a lifetime on it, torturedly explaining how sorry he is to point out that Yahweh is one nasty ass ghost in the machine tests my patience just a jot. No. Really. I was there at three. It did take me till I was about thirty-five to figure out about the threeness of relations, and I was madder'n a wet hen that others had already been there and done that, but luckily the second hour is about Nazis....