I am much more interested in dressage nowadays. I had little time for it, except what I needed for the jumping, when I was a young thang, and I'm still not into the fancier moves, but dressage is definitely more pleasing to watch for me. Still, I can be extra-critical of the bozos out there show jumping because I know every nuance of what's right and what's wrong with what they're doing. I can yell invective all I want and release tension that way....
Oh, sheesh. This is from 2001. They just uploaded it. I thought it was recent. So, now I'm halfway through it and there's all these coots who were older than me when I was riding and I'm dying of wonderment, when suddenly we're talkin' horses born in '93 and I'm, like, wait! That horse isn't twenty years old! I guess it's as well because I was getting the idea I could get back into it and show them a thing or two....