What is this man saying? I don't seem to be able to lock-on to this with my laser mind today. It just keeps sounding like a blustering Lord grousing about a fantastical amount of money that may or may not exist... probably not... except that even money deemed to be existent does not exist either and so between the fuddyduddy act and the black mists of high "finance" I just don't seem to be cottoning on. I would like to draw a bead on this because it seems to have something to do with Ben's thing and I guess I still hold out a little ray of hope that he is telling the truth. So if you can help, here, I would be very grateful.
I am having to GO BACK and remind myself if the PTB are on track with Ben's story... and it seems they are....
So, for OUD and others incredulous about the notion of solving the world crisis via a civil suit, I think the deal is NOT to use that mechanism to restore sanity but to use that mechanism to inform enough people of the true shape of the dirty dealing that underpins the PTB and their psychotic world domination thing.
I'm beginning to think that we've mostly only been hearing about it from people wishing to make a buck off it... NOT that it's necessarily bullshit, but that there's hay to be made while the forces duke it out. I'm hearing Ben saying there isn't any real need to be informing the public about this at all, that it's not the crucial part.
And the bottom line keeps being that the psychopaths prefer a WWIII to just giving up and letting the world start off on a globally benificial track.
Except we KNEW that already.