Malcom and Martin are spinning in their graves. I want so badly to smack some of these people, to split open their faces and pull their sensibility out from their calcified pineal glands and then boot them off to their corners to pull themselves back together, or just plain vaporize them off my mindscape entire. The whole mold of brats whining to their parents, needling Mom, wheedling Dad, just infuriates me. It's the more insulting when they claim real heroes for themselves. Excuse me, but were you PAYING ATTENTION? Was there even a millionth of an ion of childishness about the Civil Rights Movement?
These kids are so fascinated with themselves for wanting a better world they are blinded. The great white light through the prism of something pusillanimous turned diamond, dazzling each to a mortally dangerous stupor. I can't pay too much attention to this because it siphons off my energy, my ability to function. You can't either. Your fascination with all this has sapped off your energy too. It was done to you. It's like a B movie. Some satanist in makeup has cast a spell on you and the protagonist has been kidnapped, can't save you. You are going to be one of the horror scenes, the guy with the exploding face, the woman with the gored torso, and we don't even know if the hero ever beats the satanist in this flick. The hero is emotionally about fourteen. He's not very good at this. That satanist is pissed because he can't get much chi outta these wimps.
I know what is the matter, here, because I can feel it in my work to keep the local cops from defecting. I feel the disinclination to single myself out for their attention. Who wants to draw the attention of armed zombies? Who wants the job of igniting their buried senses of shame? How are we going to elicit the altruism in these thuggish dolts? So don't go all opinionated about my temerity to mention the outrage of these TWITS on the streets, because it will NOT deflect from the real problem. You can't call this stuff righteous and have that be the truth. Grownups don't do this crap. True humans don't do this stuff. Your excuses are nothing but filthy at this point.
The only way is to render this power structure obsolete. EVERYONE has to do this together. We pay our cops with IOUs they can spend on groceries and services and prevent them from being evicted from their homes. We do all that for each other. We make the control mechanisms fail the sociopaths or we stay controlled by sociopaths.