Had a darn righteous night's sleep. I know I dreamed a lot, but I'm not getting it back... or not so far... but I feel an odd contentment that I can wake up with a song in my blood vessels and just go swipe it for you off YouTube. I'm just stupid for Bonamassa's singing. I love the guitar. I'm hot for the drums. But the singing is the thing that grabs me here.
Last night lafingas started griping about the comments thread on one of my posts locking him out, freezing up the scrolling. I know that they have managed to thwart people whose cookies settings upset them too. I can't even post a comment on here from Firefox if I have them set to dump whenever I close the browser. I don't know if everyone's being uncharacteristically quiet, or if the NDAA made them want to shut up forever, or if the damn platform is fucking with people's heads again. So if you have found yourself unable to comment here, again, lately, I'm very sorry... especially if you had something transcendental to say.
I cannot afford to do this in a way where I can prevent the platform from doing this shit. If you have been muzzled by the platform, you can still email me. I can convey what you had to say for you. Or... we can all hone our telepathy....