Listening to these, I remembered carefully explaining to you about the SCO and how they were going to try to carefully drain us and stall us in the hope we crash before we are able to start WWIII. So, we could view present conditions as reflecting the nearness of that crash. Obama signing the NDAA and the plainly hysterical capering of senators behind it. The terrifying movement of troops into Israel. The ever more ferocious sanctions on Iran.
I have truly been awed by the endurance of the ayatollahs over the past few years. They have withstood many, many HARD antagonisms, slaughters, to save all of us from WWIII. Their comportment in that truly epic flap over their last presidential election was outright dazzling to behold. It makes me cry.
My sympathies are with all those working so hard, and against such harsh provocations, to save our lives, and very, very few of those people are even on our side. I think we are going to be having a very tough year.