I keep thinking about it. I cannot, of course, guarantee it, but there just doesn't seem to be any reason I can think of for him to be lying. So I keep looking around. I found this piece a little while ago, and bothered to comment:
Knowing that most of the hugely powerful gangster groups arose in response to real community needs not met by government, and knowing that action along the lines laid out by Ben Fulford is the only LUCID response to the situation left open, I cannot dismiss him out of hand. He has been hollering about this for a couple years now I think, was doing it through Rense until falling out over Rense nagging him for Fukushima information while he was trying to articulate the story of gangsters effecting an end to the free reign of oligarchs.After which I was treated with a human-proof Captcha! boogie that I have NO confidence went through successfully. So I'm posting it here.
I realize it sounds fantastic, but I also realize that there is no other mechanism of power extant capable of such an influence. The rest of it is owned by the perps. I'm trying to say that if there are ANY lucid humans left, the gangsters would be the ONLY means to halt the sociopaths.
Anyway, losing the Rense outlet would leave Fulford needing to find someone else with an audience to try to get the word out. It isn't on its face ridiculous. Ridiculous, yes, that it would come to this pass, but not ridiculous that counter powers left in the cold would band together in the face of such OUTRAGEOUS ugliness as the Gulf Blowout and Fukushima, etc, and the heartless immiseration of the masses by rampant, sociopathic, corruption. The psychotic part is that these are being done.
Whether or not the lawsuit is only a ploy, only there to give substance to a shadowy concept, careful attention leaves one unable to reasonably show Fulford acting in bad faith. It is NOT farfetched to think these groups would be working as he states they are. THEY stand to lose everything if these psychopaths get their way, and THEY can see there is no other option left open but to threaten the PTB directly.
Even if Ben is delusional, or one could find any reason he'd need to fake anything like this, and I can't, he is the ONLY one addressing this psychopathy sanely. It was a mistake for him to speak with Wilcock, but I can see he may have done it purely for the number of ears and eyes to be reached. Just imagine that he's telling the truth. Imagine what options would be open to him if he were telling the truth. Rense. With the loss of Rense, who else has the audience?
You might say this could all happen without telling the public, but if the public needs to become aware of stuff so secret as to seem utterly fantastical before they can be helped, one needs to make the noise. Check with Duncan about that.
I approve heavily of your pointing all this out to people, but I think Ben Fulford should NOT be lumped in with the charlatans. I think that is a big mistake, EVEN if it's delusion, because it happens to be the ONLY lucid bit coming out of anyone. It's the ONLY feasible solution. If it hasn't been undertaken, it needs to be. And WE need to beware of global currency in sheep's clothing.
I'm really glad that Wilcock and Hoagland and Cassidy are being called into question. The hucksterism is just too damn blatantly apparent, starting to take its toll, leaving us with an awful lot to wade through in order to get some kind of a fix on what might be actual. The plus side for each of these people is their willingness to invest so heavily. They have each given the denizens of Out There much to chew on over the years. Except... like with the political activists... popularity seems to have become more important to each of them than the actuality they each began trying to expose. It's turned into a circus.
I mean, if you were not smug enough in your cultural mesmerism to discount them out of hand from the git, you will have been likely to have started to question them by now. It's been too weird. Wilcock's meltdown was the straw that broke the camel's back. I hope this turns out to be more than one relative outsider making his bones on them. I hope this inspires people to look more carefully and to communicate more clearly, but I am concerned about Ben's thing.
I wonder sometimes if it might just be about him realizing the only power left to deal with the murderating fucks is as he states is happening, that he might just have made it up to frighten the PTB for real, paybacks for the terror they have mounded over all of us. That's a possibility, but I cannot think of any other reason HE would be doing this. He's perfectly comfortable. He has NO need to get this nuts. The only way it would make sense that he made this up is to frighten the bad guys, but I don't think that is enough payoff for all this effort, for endangering himself this much, do you?