It must seem like it. I usually find more that moves me to share with you, but it's not happening for the past week or two... or more. Partially, of course, it's the holidays and so many sites and people are at half mast, but also, I think, the world is sort of holding its breath over the prospect of WWIII, a totalitarian United States, plus a veritable cosmos of comparatively ignoble concerns. And, it's the vaunted 2012. So I think most of us are wanting to collect ourselves. Some are wanting to stay busybody, keep opining, keep hating on space lizards, et cetera, et cetera, et cetara, and I am utterly done with even worrying about that crap, which leaves us here a little on the thin side, posting-wise.
Last night I went back to Ben's ORIGINAL OUTBURSTS on Rense as part of my contemplation of where that might be at, after, now, five years. The totally slick takeover and landing of the drone; some other boob making a noise amid bliss ninnies about another agglomeration of countries fixing everything but not SAYING anything whatever when one got right down to it; the barest hint from Israel that maybe Iran doesn't need attacking after all; even the hackers' convention getting ROWDY on the PTB... traces of something huge, something very energetic, daunting the murderating fucks just a stroke... just trying to sort of sit with it all and see what I can see.
So far I can say I love the ayatollahs even more and I love Putin even more. I haven't gotten to the bottom of this, but I chose the image link for its weird mixture of tepidly positive signs and extremely tepidly negative use of linguistics. I guess the very creepiest part of it was hearing Jeremy Scahill, of all people, sound THAT mealymouthed. Gross. Still, Russia cranks out bits pointing at the actual as they can and I'm admiring it for that.
Anyway, I'm not ignoring you. I'm trying to spare you total twaddle and only give you stuff with real things to consider inhering them. I was going to give you Alan Watt on meditation, except he ended up making all kinds of outrageously silly farm animal noises he was insisting were mantras and it just ruined an otherwise fairly impeccable lecture. I think Max Igan is trying to get out the documentary he's been promising for about a year and maybe not going to emerge again until that's happened. So a spate of fabulous things could follow directly or hold off for veritable weeks and months.
I'm not ignoring you.