Aung San Suu Kyi is the daughter of a Burmese general who'd made semi-democratic grunts—key to the liberation of Burma from Britain—before he was killed. She was a privileged child who was sent off to school in England, married there, lived there for most of her life. She walked out on her husband and children to go back to give Burma a legitimate leader decades after his death.
I'm sure she's had plenty of time to reflect on the hubris of such an idea, but she got a LOT of people, and lot of REAL heroes, killed because of it.
I don't think she earned her peace prize any more than Obama did. I don't think she ever faced down a soldier with a gun in her face. She was whisked away and protected by people who gave their lives to see to it. People who were grateful to her father for defecting from Britain's employ. He didn't live to lead independent Burma. And those who assassinated him were working for people who weren't going to lose Burma even if Britain was abandoning them.
Burma is as it is because Western interests want it that way, and Aung San Suu Kyi is the siphon for any energy to save it. I'm sure that is NOT what she wished to accomplish, but I'm also sure she wanted to be head of state, not the liberator of Burma.
"What do you CALL the world?" She called herself liberation. It was more like liberation of "royalty" from "housewife", but she called it something else. Had it not been for REAL Burmese heroes, it would have been another installment of The Perils of Pauline. Even as I know she knows better now and wants to live up to noble sentiment, she cannot.
The ENTIRE game has changed. Neither morals nor borders ensure safety anymore. Demonstrating one's protest in the street is, and maybe has always been, demonstrating one's impotence and abjection. Only. With no structure behind it, it can at best simply embolden new tyrants, who might not even REALIZE they ARE tyrants yet, to give it a try. Mental conditioning and human weakness make it impossible for the real culprits ever to lose. No matter WHAT victory, it does not stand.
Awakening is IMPERATIVE... THE imperative. Without it, it's JUST slaughter.
It has been OUR responsibility to stop these fucks, the ones who empowered the junta in Burma, the ones who have dismantled the United States, for our WHOLE lives but we continue gratefully lapping up their inducements to pat ourselves on the back and fall back to sleep.
Here is such an opportunity. Oh! Aung San Suu Kyi is SO brave and beautiful! I'll buy the book! I'll see the movie! I'll donate to a children's fund! I'll make swooning noises over her wonderfulness at parties... et cetera, et cetera, et cetera....