I only slept from about 11:30 to 2:30 last night and ended up clicking on the droning sanctimony merely to keep me upright long enough to go have a seeeerious breakfast and get a lot of chores done. I should have chanced another "nap". This is three hours of really marrow sucking stupidity, dressed up as "Intellectual". One begins to wonder if those bubbas we bashed for dissing "intellectuals" were not a great deal sharper than it seemed to us at the time.
You will maybe be wanting me to express some specifics to catch my wave, if you are still laboring under the delusion that this putz is worth a minute of our time, let alone three HOURS, but... I'm sorry. If you like him, go for it, but just try to bear in mind that this guy is about as ego-addled as it gets, he can't even conceal his doublethink and doublespeak and triple minus bad influence, and pusillanimity that can only brag of righteously leaving the NYT while clearly belonging back there.
Yes, I am MUCH harder on liberal "icons" because I am angry about my own stupidity, but, fuck, I should NOT have endured this. I felt it would be good for me and keep me from dropping, but it only hurt my eyes and heart and spirit and made being out in it that much more difficult. This slimeball almost threw me into an autoimmune attack. I just did THE most important chores and ran back home to sleep it off. It was a close call.
Right before subjecting myself to this, I'd watched about an hour of Alex Jones clips and watched some more after I got up. Alex Jones says total crap I don't agree with right and left, but somehow something like love pokes though. He very often has seriously cool guests on and all the while poking in righty rants he comes into alignment with people of immeasurably deeper insight and heart than this pompous bullshitter. I don't grok how anyone can still be fooled by the facades, how anyone can still identify themselves politically. I feel as I did when I sent my TV off a cliff.