I was listening to Benjamin Fulford talking about how this group of gangster good-guys is not at the moment just taking out the couple hundred sociopaths who most need to be liquidated because they feel there needs to be a structure ready to replace this one. I was, of course, thinking, "Quit dicking around," but it is a true statement that plain overthrow is not going to cut it, not in a world full of people whose heads have been so addled with lies their whole lives they literally are not telling their asses from holes in the ground. So I think people should be taking the constitutions and legislative rules of their respective countries and simply stripping out all the laws and rules and administrative tricks that allow this mess to process smoothly. Not so much putting new stuff in, but stripping out, wholesale, the sociopathic crap. Have that ready, then put it to the sociopaths, not to decide to implement, but to decide not to impede. If they don't go willingly, then take them out with force.
It can't stop there. The global mechanism for global cleanup and improvements proposed by Fulford is really desperately needed, and that should just get slapped in there with all the red pencil work in each country.
Our ENTIRE government needs to be red pencilled. We gotta start over.
No one can doubt that anymore, can they?