Forgive me, forgive me, but Nassim's voice drives me up the wall. He's like fingernails on a chalkboard to my ears. And then you put him together with this New Age goo girl and, OMG, you gotta know that I seriously LOVE him with all my heart. I have to turn the sound way down to juuuuust audible to manage this, but, wow, just think what I'd be missing if I could not FORCE myself over this kind of hurdle.
And he is right about it needing to make sense to a seven-year-old. I always say I was seven when I found that Einstein book on the sidewalk, because that's the very oldest I could have been, but, really, I was more like five when I found it. I stood there on the street and opened it right to the page with the equation on it. I saw the words "energy equals mass times the speed of light squared" and the equation. Boom. Right there on the street I knew. I think it might have been a few minutes before I realized this also meant there was as much inside my skin as outside it.
Truly. You have to be an adult to fuck this up.
No. Really.