Oh, noooo, not thaaaat.
Last night I found this at some arty gay guy's blog. He was, of course, filled with empathy and diverging from his strictly art-related posts for this very special case, and so I had to watch. What a darling little kid. I wasn't buying it. Not that I didn't believe he believed himself, but that I don't believe gayness is at the root of it. HE clearly does, but he's a dumbed-to-a-pulp and way too seriously under-developed little boy to figure it out.
If you watch, you will see that he's had this problem since he was in first grade. Excuse me, but first graders have no sexuality. They have prurience abounding... the boys... and it gets worse... but sexuality, no. Yes, they are influenced by the porn on TV, but, still, THEY HAVE NO SEXUALITY. If he's a sissy, and about three quarters of boys are sissies well into their twenties, he's liable to be trained by the long series of accidents called "culture" to conclude he's gay. There are a thousand ways a normal kid can conclude they are gay, and stick to that conclusion for life. It's not their fault, but it's their own responsibility.
I do not doubt that many gay people have physiological predispositions to this orientation, either by birth or by poisoning, and as stated many times before, this does NOT mean they are any less human, with any less rights, or are any less lovable. It just means something's gone haywire. It is NOT "normal", even if "normal" itself is a sign of severe trauma.
By sheer synchronicity, I next listened to a man who is completely unafraid to call it aberrant and to pontificate on it ad nauseam. In case you haven't noticed, I try hard to listen to as many different points of view as possible, and find what insight and good information and forgiveness and solidarity I can with as many of them as I can. I'm doing it to shed my habit of delusion. It's ugly and evil and I don't care how many people take refuge in it, it SUCKS and I don't want it clinging to me anymore.
Anyway, this "homophobe" mentioned about all the estrogen in the water, how he thinks this accounts for the homosexuality boom. It occurred to me that all the news about estrogen and antidepressants in the water, ostensibly from everyone peeing it into the water table, is maybe NOT from peeing at all, or not to any great extent. After all, those things have been hugely absorbed by our bodies before the remnant goes into the pee, and then, at least in the Western World, that pee is TREATED and stored for a long time before it is released back into the wild. Does this mean those things aren't in our water? NO. It means we didn't pee them there. It means a much higher percentage of sissy boys, and early sexualized girls. It means boys and girls are too mentally sedated to buck their indoctrination into productive slavery. It means the boys don't grow into men with enough benefit of testosterone to fight their masters, whether they are gay or straight.
It means ADULTS are also too wimpy to fight. Adults might at best muster the spit to put up a fuss, turn parks and squares into toilets, but that's about the extent of their chi in this COMPLETELY psychotic society.
THEN, this morning, I listened to Michael Tsarion on the matter of strengthening one's immunity, a sirianfreeman snippet [HERE] and someone brought up about having to subjugate part of one's self in order to work in a group.
If you don't subjugate your selfhood in a group, you quickly become the one to whom the others look. The original leader of the group becomes even more quickly outright hostile, feeling the threat. So one learns not to get into group situations at all. This is a shame because we need to act together or remain slaves. The key is controlling ego, not letting it control. From that, a natural, non-hierarchical, meritocracy develops. Suffering is GREATLY lessened. Unfortunately, most learn EARLY to not even think of an alternative to subjugating themselves to the will of the group. Turns them gay. Turns them alcoholic. Turns them obedient, miserable droids who crave PERVY and BESTIAL entertainments to distract them from their agony.
So, anyway, I am processing, finding my way out of the shackles that demand one obsessively dismiss anything that does not sound 100% approving of homosexuality. I have always bucked the implications of "gay rights", while being just fine with including gays in "human rights", but the issue seems to be turning into a much, MUCH BIGGER, deal nowadays. We love calling ourselves "sheep" or "herd animals" or "lemmings"... but maybe we should also consider the angles on lab rats.