And I know a couple of you have little patience for Alex Jones, but I feel he does contribute a lot to the pool of knowledge, albeit usually hyperbolically as he can, and he has gone to the trouble to release another video on the police state and some of us might want to gird ourselves for it... or bash others with it... whatever. I'm trying to get out of the business of keeping you abreast of the latest insults to our sensibilities, keep you able to score the highest on the intricacies of world outrage statistics test. jo6pac and I both once got perfect scores on our overall knowledge of the world situation... a year ago or so... some online test... obsolete. My initial reaction was to be pleased with myself for acing a hard test, but it soon devolved into pure molten irk. The planet is burning down, and I'm pleased by some UTTERLY inconsequential score in pixels as proof of the capacity of my brain to contain these PSYCHOPATHIC intricacies? Is that right?
I quickly became mortified by the ugly truth, my duty to look at myself and give myself an F- for my A+... my duty to swear to do better... and DO better.
I don't know if I need this police state thing driven into my brain any harder. I question the usefulness of presenting it. Morons, thank goodness, don't seem to like this place, nor people born yesterday, nor anyone who fell off the turnip truck much later than, say, 1970. So. So I've linked it here and you decide if you want to deal with it. If you do, and you find something in there you think I should heed, please let me know. Otherwise, I think I'll only fit it in when/if I get a burst of energy with no other use more pressing.