I really start wondering about the meta influences over the seasons. Aside from one day of rain last week, it has been straight sunny and cold for nearly two months. Everyone's garden is in a state of chaos. Things that never yellow are yellowing and things that bloom only in spring and summer are blooming. It's officially winter. The sun still seems off to me. It doesn't seem to be where it's supposed to be when it's supposed to be... if, that is, one can take where it used to be for where it's supposed to be. I think our planet has changed its aspect with the rest of the cosmos. That IS what I think. This feels like a particularly dry spring... only a little colder... which would be expected if one went from the beginning of fall to the beginning of spring, skipping a crucial element.... Or my problem with changed laws of physics is just fucking with my aspect with the rest of the cosmos. I can only tell you what I think because I was never precise in my knowledge of this beforehand.
We have a change of season at the FDA. They've gone from taking so ridiculously long to approve new drugs that desperate people had NO hope, even when there was hope right there, to taking so ridiculously short to approve new drugs that people are liable to die before they can tell if their prayers have been answered. Patients have gone from hopeless to guinea pigs with no middle step.
We, of course, leap to fit this into a familiar pattern, left right, but it is more like going straight to early spring from early fall, missing the middle. And it didn't leap over or tunnel under either. It blinked out in one and winked in the other. I remember explanations of the pendulum effect being heaped on me by the world, all good college graduates and all good believers in college graduation. I thought it was bullshit from the git because it ignored all ten directions in favor a mere two, left right, east west, up down, whatever, and I feel compelled to mention that at either pole in that simpletons' assessment, the experience is always only ever good for a select few. It never gets to the part where EVERYONE benefits.
And the natural flow is always turned into hierarchy in the minds of men. Our heads are never left in open tuning. They must conform to air hierarchies so they can malfunction properly. WHEN do we step out of the system to really improve anything?
We NEVER do.
Another sign of this malignancy comes when the blink-out-wink-in phenomenon appears in what they're calling "BUSINESS". Uhm... is that even LEGAL? Can you DO that? No, you can't, but there it is. So what is that really? If they're doing it anyway, WHAT is that?
The malignancy is morphing to counter our awakening. Everywhere you look, you see signs of a force or forces to keep you down. EVEN when you turn to what are called "mystical schools" to get help shaking this off, you get almost unerringly charlatans skilled in the means of delivering sleeping powder directly into your system, as opposed to merely relying on your seriously permeable senses to do the work. EVERYWHERE is predation. Almost nowhere is liberation. You can't find the place where your effort adds to everything and subtracts not at all, when in fact your MARROW knows, even while you don't, that this is ALL wrong.
Is the cosmos doing this? Or are there some sociopaths taking advantage of your tendency to enjoy cluelessness? Is it supposed to be this way? Or are there some sociopaths who have had our number for millennia? DOES IT MATTER? Whatever you CALL it, is it not time to step up out of this, jump out of this system, and check?