don't waste time

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The message of the Occupy Movement is: The World Is Not Worth Dying For. Leave aside that a bunch of dickless ego victims promoted it to make their websites start paying them to stay home, and to get them on TV so that it gets more attention and donations so that they can keep staying at home. They’re identical to the sociopaths they purport to oppose, but let’s just forget them for a moment.

I hear Celente waxing lyrical about there being no head to cut off and when you cut off one tentacle another grows up to replace it. Great spectacle, dude, but what does it accomplish? Since they seem to have succeeded in not letting the president turn it into a campaign booster, what have they succeeded in accomplishing? Only adding fervor and excuse to crack down on the public. So those lopped tentacles end up a net loss. Period. No homilies patch that up.

Some seem to think it will end up getting enough humans in the streets to succeed at something positive for the people. I don’t think so, but I wish it would.

So, but, well, do I want you to go out and die to get it done? No. I want you to become free enough of the mental conditioning so that you will stop adding to the juggernaut that is slamming us to the pavement... and if that means you go out and die getting it done, I’m with you. If it means, by some hundredth monkey miracle, that the shedding of the hypnosis habit itself gets it done, I’m with you, Hundredth Monkey.

One cannot fixate on the horrors, or one has succumbed to the mental control being exerted by the sociopaths. One cannot become SO stressed by the secretiveness of these sociopaths, their plainly overt acts of keeping us blind to matters that are vital to our very lives, that we become sleepless or depressed or cannot bear to even think of positive things, think of things like optimizing our health and fitness to somehow break away, get off this hamster wheel in hell.

One must foreswear mental entanglement in politics at all, shed the habit of thinking the Democrat is the lesser of the evils, or the truth-teller will fix it, that voting will in any way alter the course of history now.

One must TURN OFF THE TV. Even if you are scrupulous about what you watch and don’t watch, the mental conditioning inheres even the most innocuous-seeming programming. Your subconscious picks up oceans of disinformation and your conscious hasn’t got a clue it’s happening. The editing, the use of light, the flicker rate are all tuned to put you into a nice comfy and receptive state. It leaves you UTTERLY unable to discern that the entirety of what we call civilization is wrongheaded, lethal, bogus, malign, bad for living things. It leaves you thinking there’s a law or a rule or a commission that can be nominated to fix everything. It leaves you with the idea that classical protest is the way Americans deal with tyranny, and that it has become too much of a burden on innocent business people and unsanitary as heck. All these things are true, but it leaves you unable to get out of your box.

You are not who you insist you are. You say, “Dammit, I know who the fuck I am. I’ve been me since I was born and you never even met me. Quit being an asshole.”

I say, “Sorry, wrong answer.”

You have not been who you insist you are since the day you learned the name they made up for you. And every single day since that day, more and more of your self has been pushed out of your head by the inputs to your computational mind, your intellect, your brain mind, whatever you wish to call it. THAT is where you do all your living and depressing and stressing, and unfortunately, that is also the place from whence spring the impulses that cause your body to function.

It doesn’t matter if you look at it in the classical Zen way, that you do not exist, or if you look at it Michael Tsarion’s way, that you are all that exists. It’s the same. It’s just a matter of which you one prefers to start from. I’m inclined to concede that Tsarion might have the right approach for the profoundly mentally ill citizens of Western Civilization, SINCE it is so close to completely impossible for people to find REAL help with Zen these days. I mean, I believe the ancients were indeed more correct on this than Michael Tsarion, but they were not working in a milieu bursting with charlatans leading idiots further into psychosis and calling it “enlightenment”, which then means the ancients are out there cheering him on, filling him with lightning bolts of vitality to keep it up and to perfect his understanding and teaching as he goes along. They even approve of him dissing them whenever he gets the chance.

It means another drop out of the ocean of charlatanism claiming them as ancestors.

They are Michael Tsarion’s ancestors.

He’s not perfect. It’s hard to draw a bead on him because most of his stuff does not come chronologically over the vast system of pipes. For the most part, the more recent the interview or lecture, the better the material. He is growing, expanding, becoming clearer and clearer. There is no question of it.

He has started from the position of wait-a-minute-this-is-bullshit-what’s-really-going-on-here? and not taken anyone’s word for it. He’s been digging around on his own for thirty years. He was lucky enough to be born into a family of people heavily concerned with the spiritual human, and he was smart enough to both recognize the importance of that and the insufficiency of the generally accepted modes of mysticism.

I have a knee jerk aversion to divination arts. I was badly shaken when I found out he was not only a proponent of them, but a teacher of them. This was a matter of grave concern to me, and great difficulty in processing. Still, I was so sure the guy was onto it that I forced myself to look into it, to see if there were not some way in hell he could give a cogent enough reason for spending ANY effort on that stuff, and damned if he didn’t actually do it. I’m still not interested in it, but he has shown me that serious people can find serious, lucid, cogent reasons to engage with it. Of course, this doesn’t mean that 99.99% of them do: It means that he does.

I became very gravely upset by his habit of slapping stuff up on his forum that looks for all the world as though he were a hard core racist or white supremacist. I could NOT fathom that he would be either, but he kept/keeps slapping that stuff up there no matter how much squealing and screaming he gets from the public. He puts stuff that shows black people in a seeeeriously poor light under the heading of “War On You”. He puts people spouting racist ideology under “Recommended Teachers”.

Oh. My. God.

Except, all the stuff that puts blacks in such a poor light, reinforcing negative stereotypes, really IS a war on us, ALL of us, and those racists are in fact good teachers—both because we need to be able to see the subtleties of racism, and because we need to see that even racists also have stuff to teach that is valuable, even if they’re otherwise reprehensible sorts. The fact is, if we want to grow into ourselves, we have to be able to get our truth from whatever source, without regard to its lifestyle politics or misapprehensions or errors or whatever. Disagreeable as one might find them socially, they are still sentient beings with real things to say, something valuable to teach us if we’ll just snap out of it and pay attention. Many of the greatest minds in history were also racists. It's a fact. It's wrong. It's ugly and we can't rise if we don't get over it, but you're not going to listen to them because their heads were up their asses about the relative merits of their fellows? I mean, honestly, are you in fact such a paragon you won’t sully your beautiful mind to look at that stuff? Is that right?

Learning to drop all the groupthink prejudices with which one agrees in favor of getting a direct link with reality, with fundamental reality, with the very essence of living, is likely THE biggest aid to enlightenment anyone can hope to get with these days. Learning to listen to people with whom you rabidly and even righteously disagree is a great way to find out that even they have vital information. The benefit is both the ability to let your fellow humans back into the set of all sentient beings, instead of keeping them locked in with cartoon characters, and very often you learn they have some very cogent insights going on, EVEN if their conclusions suck. You learn to stop dividing to be conquered and you get enough light to SEE. This is what the Zen dudes were talking about when they mentioned the world becoming one’s teacher. This is what the Muslim and Sufi mystics meant when talking about taking the warning from the world.

Still, he’s so harsh. Slaps it up there with such alacrity. He’s too much of a hothead! Or is he? I ask you, does anyone have enough time to pussyfoot around with this? Is there time to qualify everything? Is there time to pander to oafs? Is it not a matter of life and death to FORGET the bullshit demands of the dunderheaded and just press on as swiftly and strongly as possible to catch the attention of the capable?

I guess I’m begging you to stop wasting your time with the river of sludge, The Zeese Machine, the professional inactivist pundits and the delusions of protest accomplishing anything; the river of terror from the sociopaths; the river of stupor from the sociopaths; the ocean of partisanship, of politics, of unadulterated delusion. You might whine that you do not have the time to spend on all these long interviews and lectures, that you even wish you had the leisure for it.

No! It isn’t a leisure pursuit. It’s a matter of life and death. IT IS SOMETHING FOR WHICH YOU MUST MUST MUST MAKE THE TIME. Everything depends on it. Download it onto your iPod and listen to it at work. Cut out a couple hours a day where no one in your household is allowed to pester you short of the building burning down. Get less sleep. Watch less TV. Ignore your cat. Ignore your husband. Don’t answer the phone. Quit blathering on TwitFace. Whatever other activity you can conceivably cut out or cut down, do THAT.

I’m putting stuff up here you just CANNOT keep skipping.

You almost certainly will, but I have warned you. I’ve done a bunch of the work for you, and I’ve tried to post as much help as I can. I can’t force you, but I can forcefully remind you... just in case you finally feel you have to manifest your positive intent no matter what it takes to get ‘er done.

Give your heart to something worth the energy you consume, the mess you've made.