my hopes have been dashed

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At least I got my doctor to admit that neither she nor any mainstream endocrinologist will give me the amount of hormone it might take to stop the autoimmune attacks. She says I can "self refer" to the genius endocrinologist who doesn't take any insurance and is "pricey".

"He's an outlier."

"Oh, good. I like outliers... they're usually right."

"Yes... cutting edge."

So, without saying so directly, the message is clear. If you are rich, you can buy your way out of trouble with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. If you're not, maybe you can pay the outlier instead of eating. You need to lose the weight anyway.

I'm making my way home today... maybe just going to do the whole thing in one shot... or maybe stop over at Mom's... but I gotta be back in Mendo World at the beginning of December and who knows when/if I can get an appointment with the outlier... and it's better I skip the feast this Thursday anyway. When you don't have enough hormone in your blood, looking at food makes you gain weight. I don't wanna go back to being too chubby to breathe while sleeping. Been there. Done that. Ripped up and stomped on the t-shirt.
