He might get the time to find out that some of us DO have a very big part of an idea. I don't know how productive it is to go on like this. Do you? Does it work better to be in the deluded walking around mind and remind the lemmings that they are hypnotized and stupid? Or is it better to remind them that they are hypnotized and don't have to be, remind them that they are extremely smart? Is that too scary? Is that why people keep being more concerned with their navel lint than waking up? Is that why some of the glib ones are griping that they're tired of the term "wake up"... as though they were awake enough and nobody needed to slap them? WTF?
I had to finally post this because it keeps being liked and favorited by my YouTube subscriptions, and it has irked me, vexed me, made me wonder about this problem again....
How does one approach this? What does one call the world to get through to it?