But then I thought, heck, I did that already. Nobody has persuaded me that something's not OFF. The sun is never in the right place anymore. BB2 was right about Orion coming back, but the sun is wrong. It's been wrong for at least a year now.... I do become disoriented by all the springing forward and falling back, and I'm dimwitted as heck from this thyroid thing, but, dammit, the sun is out of whack, and you haven't fixed that either.
I was summoned to the pharmacy by a computer today. I didn't know what it could be. Thought maybe my doctor looked harder at my labs and had an insight or something. Anyway, I had to go down to Crescent City to bark at my former bank and so I just took my completely wiped insomniac self down to do this. Damn computer spit out a prescription I've discontinued on accident. Barked at bank. Gaped from the pharmacy parking lot at maniacal road rage drivers trying to kill each other. Gaped at a fender bender all roped off by about eight cops and an ambulance parked kittywompus in the road. It wasn't the homicidal maniacs. Maybe their fellow motorists going verklempt over it. A semi pulled up to my house and unloaded about fifty crates of serious ass health supplements.
I took the brain stuff right away. I figger it will help me sort out what to do with the rest....