Once again, there appeared too many instances of liking and favoriting of a video on my account page to ignore it. Even though John Lash has flashes of gorgeous insight betimes, his manner of preaching it is INSUFFERABLE. The man has an ego problem the size of Jupiter, and so would be no trouble to extract after breaking open his skull.
Still, I should not ignore the opportunity to be of service and so I didn't.
Hence the vicious headache.
Even though it is truly unbearable, I have to recommend THIS to you. He is the second public person behind Derrick Jensen to recognize [publicly] that force is mandatory to liberation just now. He goes around Harvey's barn a few times to sort of sanctify the violence needed, but he explains in the end precisely why it is mandatory to actually solving the problem. So. I can't endure him, but I did it for you. You just take some ibuprofen first and it will be doable... and optimal to be done. There are some vital concepts in here.