I think she and Max are actually trying not to bash the snot out of the idiots organizing the Wall Street Circus while using it to try to start something more cogent and effective. I said before that I'd back it if that could be made to happen, and I still don't hold out any hope for it... today they're calling the blockage of a Brooklyn Bridge offramp something entirely more substantial... and I think Max's idea about how to force JPM to crash is, shall we say, idealistic at best, but I think Roseanne did a pretty good job here.
Tarpley has some CHERCE WORDS on it... and earlier today I saw another of those fucking V mask "anonymous" "expect us" videos pushing "The 99" and, you will already know, I'm not the least flattered they took my name as inspiration when they would only use it to do a counter co-option to the Tea Party debacle. The big progressive-fascists have NO problem preying on the little ones' benighted groping for solutions that don't involve ANY RISK TO THEMSELVES while scrambling for a buck in the name of "revolution".