This is just dead people partying till it's official.
I don't know why I had such a hard time keeping an ear peeled on Wilcock and Fulford the other night, but I went for the third try today, and had no trouble concentrating. In fact, I went back to former interviews and listened to those too. Right now I'm wondering why the most lucid story line going is coming out of a couple of the most difficult to believe guys out there. I'm having to rifle through all my conditioned responses to certain things to see if this is yet another case of being zonked by the mainstreamizing unavoidable even by people who resist the media as scrupulously as I do, or just not being able to trust people with ego problems so thick you need a knife and fork, or what.
I guess I should be clear that it's Fulford's story I find the most lucid. I find it so because my mind flies to just such machinations both in explanation for what is actual and while brainstorming about how to combat it successfully. So THIS fact, can't help but make me wonder if Fulford is making it all up because he has had to retreat into a fantasy of lucidity to keep going.
So, but all kinds of people insist Obama's been "ordered" to Colorado for some drill or other on the 27th. To a base that by some accounts has been decimated beyond recall. Do I go with the notion that this will be where he signs the surrender documents for the Rockefeller/Nazi faction of the global elite? Or do I go with the notion that this will be his way of keeping us deceived that they still have their full network of bunkers? Or do they still have their network of bunkers and this drill will go live with him and all the other poobahs taking cover? Or do I take it that all this is just another scheme to enhance our anxiety levels even more? I probably could come up with at least ten more provisional scenarios, including that it's just a high tone photo op to make him look uber presidential in the face of all the Republican twittery I know is out there somewhere sulfurizing the nostrils of the legions of Hatfields and McCoys....