it just struck me

[click image]


That people are always looking for good things to link for their friends who might be thinking about attempting to come out of their stupor. I know I must've linked this before, but, it being nearly the tenth anniversary of 9/11 and all, I think this bit of David Icke from 23 March of this year is a good thing for them to hear.


The camera in this puppy, not very good to begin with, seems to be worse now. Maybe I'm seeing things, but even fooling and doodling with the images from it doesn't seem to help it much. Turning them black and white is sometimes helpful... but for some reason I'm expecting the camera here to just tank altogether. Tonight I was fiddling with this image while listening to sundry interviews. I tried the "flip horizontal" thing a few times, to make the image look as it would look from a good old analog camera, but it looks too damn weird to me. I'm used to my image in the mirror... as you might suppose if you think about it for a moment... and so the way this camera shoots—a not-flipped image—looks the most fitting to me. The right side of my face is on the right side of the image. The left on the left. And I think Apple did this so that young girls could use it as a mirror on their laptops.

Or maybe all digital cameras do not flip the image.

How the heck would I know?

How the heck would anyone know? And doesn't this mess up the NSA when they're stealing mug shots from your computer camera? I worry about this shit. For some reason I enjoy the thought of them watching me picking my nose, but become unsettled by this quirk of camera. Go figger.






I have not been clear.


If this were a regular old camera...'d look like this.