There's some free Pink Floyd to enjoy. I'm gonna try the Red Hots at 5pm, but often the live shows just don't do it for me. We shall see.
The Red Hots seem to be at least a half hour late and some head banger meatheads are up and making me reach for the ibuprofen, so I'm still holding on, but just barely. If you want to suffer with me, go HERE....
While I wash my dishes and make a fresh cup of coffee, we seem to have some local orchestral musak to keep the monster crowd warm while we wait for the Peppers. I'm going to be mad if their show hurts too badly to keep hearing by the time I've gone through all this. Looks as though they're planning for it to start with the Red Hot Chili Peppers at 6pm. I wish YouTube would have just SAID that... but... no....
You know, it still strikes me that modern music festivals have waaaaay too much of the musicians on stage trying to drive the audience nuts with demands for participation instead of getting down to business and playing the kind of music that the audience cannot resist unifying with. No class... or... maybe... just plain not enough talent....
They're now nearly two hours later than advertised on YouTube, but the crawl says to stay tuned. I was worried the rain was preventing them, but, well, my ears! I am sensitive to sound. I float with sound I love. I struggle with sound I don't love if the content is important, but the rest of the time it's about the fastest way to drive me off into the trees or to the beach or screaming with my head scrunched under my pillow.
Maybe my advancing blindness does this to me, or maybe it's always been this way and it just has become more acute. So I have turned the sound down. I have cleaned my whole kitchen. I have scoured my whole computer with my fancy utilities thing and rebooted. I have finished my RHCP coffee and have to make another. Maybe I'll add brandy this time. Sheesh.
Okay, it's midnight-thirty in Rio and Snow Patrol is up next before the Red Hots. This means they're going to be playing in the middle of the night for anyone in that time zone. Maybe that's usual. At least they're playing some Pink Floyd between sets. That's SOME recompense for screwing with my head this much... oh, oh, as soon as I say that it switches to loud Latin squalling. Fine. I shoulda just gone and listened to the Levenda lecture I was putting off until after the Rock in Rio. Shit.