today in libya

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Mostly Franklin Lamb....


Today was a big news day in Libya and so there are, now, a couple hours later, more videos on the situation as it stands on this playlist. Despite Lamb's caution and possibly being too cut off from sources with the power outages in Tripoli, it seems that Libya has prevailed against the "rebels" in all cities and towns, and the "rebellion" has dwindled to a few gangs of disorganized youngsters still creating some havoc. NATO seems to be taking this with an air of extremely poor sportsmanship, taking advantage of the complete hash made of any journalistic input to commit war crimes with impunity. They have, for instance, bombed a square full of Libyans celebrating their victory.

I'm hoping that the UN delegation that finally got through will be able to put a stop to the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization's campaign of slaughter... give them an excuse to seem to have been forced to back off in Libya. Unfortunately, what respite we MIGHT now imagine for Libya will almost certainly merely redirect itself to Syria.

I am practicing sending heartwaves to the buddhas of the ten directions to stop them, to turn everyone's hearts and minds to peaceful and clean and cogent solutions to the egregious harm being done by and to all life on earth.