I try rarely to succumb to the nagging urge to find out what Marcus Welby is mindfucking us about now. It's that demeanor of his that keeps beckoning me to find a way to cut him some slack. I don't want to just paint him with the Jones/Milquetoast brush and walk away, because that, too, is a mistake, but damned if he doesn't seem to be a cloned incarnation of the PTB's penchant for cranking out limited hangouts.
THIS one is PREPOSTEROUS. It seems he's gotten over his disinclination to say the word "three"... the mandate, no doubt, being to more pointedly sit on the tenacity of our outrage over that unit above the others.
There may be something remnant that's dropped a floor or two and holds water for more than a second or two, but that is the closest thing there could have been at the time that video was taken, and, as far as I can tell, there is NOTHING other than TEPCO and Arnie to say that footage even CAME from Unit 3. That's a damn poor resumé for a video.
So this video amounts to lethal credulity at best, and baldfaced lies at worst. Pick.
Every single time I do this to myself, I go through some minutes of batting back and forth with the urge to email him and tune him up. I always, so far, opt not to, because, even if I could keep a civil tone, the content would still knock his teeth out, and experience tells me this unerringly results in no earthly improvement for sentient beings.