I have stumbled upon some support for our the-poles-are-askew theory. I just decided to click onto this crap and listen, no matter what. Just because there's bubkes of interest to me today and I have that goddam doctorate to achieve. Well, I don't expect you to endure the whole thing, but you might want to skip ahead to about the hour and fifteen minute mark and give it a listen for, say ten minutes....
If you happen to be black or African, and listen to this whole thing, you are likely to become darn pissed off by it.
In fact, if you're alive and listen to this whole thing, there will be something in here likely to piss you off pretty big time.
Later he states that magnetic north has moved 200 miles hard east from the date of the Norway Spiral... and he thinks this will "prevent" a pole shift. I, of course, am wondering if it has not caused one... a little one.