I think we should all be hauling our tents to Wisconsin... maybe fill the streets of Madison with so many tents the city grinds to a halt until that the governor is run out on a rail, rename the city Walkerville in celebration of The People's victory over fascist insects.
I'm having to consider renaming them again—to something like "fascist ladybugs"—to approximate the kind of mildness being advocated in some of the bastions of the New Age, but, well, you know, that's not bloody likely going to happen here... but I'm thinking about it... to shake things up.
Anyway, as I was off in search of the image I wanted for this post I noticed that Huffnpuff and the execrable Maddow are all over this. So maybe some denizens of Walkerville want to take some metaphorical two by fours and knock out these women's teeth to shut them up. I want to be in solidarity with my brothers and sisters, NOT with the space lizards doing this shit, and THAT IS what one is doing when engaging with those broads on this, or any other, issue. So I'm here swallowing back the urge to go postal on them, ignoring them to just look for my image, nailing it, coming back to upload it, only to keep getting an internal error in the effort.
After some scurrying around I find it's a planned outage that will only be a couple hours, but it seems that when you get your own domain, Blogger stops NOTIFYING you of planned outages and just lets you find out the hard way. The whole scene on the intertubes is going to become increasingly difficult for those of us not running with the herd. I nixed the idea of getting my own server, or using a more independent server, for my blog because almost everybody else is child's play for people who want to ruin your life, but it seems as though the job is being made EASIER for them now than it was back in the good old days of only having to deal with the troll mills' droppings in your comments threads. They are amok again, and they have more and better tools to torture you with and there are just as many of them on what you call the left as there are on what you call the right.
Soon, very soon, it will be that you can only sail along in cyberspace if you will sail with the herd... and keep your head down. Ofucker won't give up his tools for tricking kids into flash mobs, but he'll damn well make you behave on them.
So, anyway, power fists for Wisconsin and DROP THE FUCKING PARTISAN SWILL IN THE PROCESS.