Because I love you.
So I just keep showing you all the stuff I come across in my efforts to drag myself up out of the bottomless pit into which the space lizards, fascist insects and wasichu just never stop trying to pitch us all. I keep reminding you to think past your presets and giving you things to practice with. I want you to bear in mind what is lovable about your supposedly-ideologically-opposed brothers and sisters.
I want only to sound harsh when I don't feel harsh so that you will take my meaning without feeling threatened. Mostly, I manage that... the part on this end, at least. This is so important because all of us need to realize how we contribute to our own downfall if we are going to see clearly enough to RISE, to do better, to shake off the lethal oppressors.
It's imperative to get some kind of control over our fixation with the fullness of the perfidies bombarding home like energy beam weapons from the Borg mothership. We must not be assimilated. They must be rendered impotent.
For instance, I am truly unable to let the flood of information about the wars, the attack on Libya, the despicably-named "Arab Spring" into my mindscape without completely losing perspective, maybe needing to be dragged off to a hospital somewhere and sedated. It's THAT bad, THAT evil. And you have to recognize that your being riveted to it can ONLY be about needing some sort of prize for your facility with the specs. IT HAS NO EFFECT ON THE ACTUALITY PLAYING OUT IN ANY OF THOSE PLACES. It is grabbing you by your good wishes for your fellow man and MESMERIZING you with them. They use your very own heart to dangle in front of your eyes. You have to learn to be this strict with yourself or they will keep succeeding, and people will keep dying from their wars and destabilizations and toxins and radiation and control over food and water.
I reminded someone I love today to try to keep out of the rain as much as possible because of the added radiation it brings down, and she came right back with "I'm not going to worry about it." She and her husband are Olympians of consciously deciding what they will treat as viable and what they will not... mostly on the basis of what people of their ilk will find socially acceptable. Everybody does it, and a case can certainly be made for that action—AS LONG AS ACTUALITY IS OF NO MOMENT—but, as, say, the people of our Gulf Coast and the people of Japan's Kagoshima and Fukushima Prefectures will be quick to remind you, that doesn't exactly get you safely from birth to death, not to mention all the people you don't see whose safety and lives are ruined because you decided not to worry about it for them right along with your refusal to worry about it for yourself.
We have to be here for each other. And we can't just be doing it online because our dear trusted friends thousands of miles away are not going to be able to help when things go wrong. We need to be able to rely on ourselves and each other, near and far. Now would be a good time to bake some cookies and bring them around to your neighbors... even if you don't like them. Now would be a good time to try harder to reach out to people.
Because, you know, we ARE as all those Playing For Change videos show. We are peace-loving beings who want to get along, want to sing to each other, want to dance together, want good things for everyone. Even the incogitant yuppies deciding stupidly want those things. Even the poor deluded shitheads letting tradition and peer pressure turn them into the legions of the Evil Empire want those things. I'm FIFTY-EIGHT years old. I've met SO many people, from SO many different walks of life, and ALL of them want those things. The rub comes with all the cognitive dissonance loaded into each and every one of us.
The ONLY way out is UP. The ONLY way to actually bring about the world we want is to FORCE ourselves out of our trances, teach ourselves to disengage from the Matrix, and not let anything, anything, anything make us stop trying. The moment the cosmos finds that you MEAN it... for REAL... bipbam. You get your clear view. That sight, that vision, works as your guide stone for then shedding the mental conditioning, dropping the habits, of your lifetime being programmed to be a defenseless slave.