And before you SNEER, consider what we know about the connections between the Bilderberg Group and every president since at least Carter, and consider the trouble with China looming... not, mind you, that China thinks the president has anything to do with it, but a bunch of snoozing Americans still do.
Plus, do NOT underestimate how much Kissinger wants his diplomatic immunity back. If Ofucker names him to a post, you'll know he has the message....
In fact, if you think long enough, especially if you've bothered with Ben Fulford hereinbelow, really THINK about who it might be the fuckers with the earthquake machines would really trust not to wuss out on them, this might not turn out to be as cut-and-dry as you might have been supposing. This is not a partisan observation. NO president will be good for the job until they've been neutered. I'm just thinking they are much more likely to place their faith in someone who wouldn't be in his second second term, and whose administration can be instantly filled with ultra-experienced genocidal maniacs who presently are afraid to leave the country.
Don't get me wrong. Do NOT get me wrong. Ofucker will pose NO threat to them, and neither will ANYONE else who is or will be running. I am still voting for Christopher Walken no matter what. Hedges seems to think the Democrats are only going sixty miles an hour toward the cliff while the Republicans will go a hunnert, but that's TOTAL bullshit. They're in a dead heat, racing each other for the privilege of killing you, be it into some cushy job with a monster salary or toward higher office, depending only on taste. You KNOW it. And they will only let your vote count if they agree with it. I'm ONLY bothering to go write in my candidate because I won't just HAND them my rights.
I'll go see if anyone's posted a less obnoxious cut of the Fulford interview yet. Maybe you will be more inclined to listen if you don't have to slide through the commercials left in this upload. [Nope. Still no better upload.]
Okay. In case it eluded you in the links:
“I was 88 on my last birthday,” [Kissinger] said. “I have no ambition, so I think my best contribution now is to help what I consider a reasonable foreign policy.”That CLINCHES it.
And if that image doesn't give you nightmares, you're already dead.