It sounds to me as though Terence's brother Dennis has a successor:
I recently did an hour interview... where I talked extensively about my ayahuasca experiences and what I believe the import of what I have seen to be. I did not discuss my latest vision, but I discussed the import of my other visions, which revealed that the Earth and everything on it, including the human race, is under ruthless attack by a vastly powerful, cold, impersonal, relentless, artificially created, hyper-intelligent Machine entity that is so endlessly cunning and deceitful that Machiavelli is but a fumbling, bumbling amateur by comparison, This Machine will not stop coming. Its goal is total, full-spectrum domination and/or annihilation of this planet and its biosphere. That includes humanity. On every hand the planet, the ecology and the human race are under cruel assault.I hope he decides to contact him, to at least compare notes. I can see well where both men would get the VIVID idea that nothing living can possibly be doing all this, with or without the help of ayahuasca, and it is clearly a better theory than many. I'll sure give it that!
Hollywood has come out with some movies and television series in the past couple of decades that have captured part of this scenario; the Sci-Fi channel’s Battle Star Galactica TV series, the first MATRIX movie and the Terminator movies convey something of the sense of what I am relating.
The Machine operates in both the physical realm and the astral realm simultaneously. I actually saw that in the astral there are something like milk parlors or milking sheds at a dairy farm, where people enter and sit in rows, and the Machine draws off their subtle life energies through the tops of their heads, with something like milking hoses attached to their crown chakras. There was a real opium den feel to what I saw. I saw a network of pipes and tubes that carries the people’s energy away, but where it goes and precisely what the machine does with it, I did not see.