They are being boundlessly generous to Arnie, but, what the hell, they're sticking with the story. HERE is the live camera they are talking about, but this broadcast is from a few days ago.
Possibility a typhoon will hit Fukushima this weekend....
I was looking at Dutch's page earlier and there was a combination softball-sized hailstorm and near miss by a tornado there, in Saint Louis, yesterday. He used the geiger counter on a hailstone and it read nearly 60 CPM... which is about 20 counts higher than most of his readings of things have been. He's starting to sound a little less oh-well-within-normal-limits about this.
I'm mentioning it because you should be reminded that this is not over and you should be avoiding getting rained on. It's all over the place, but the rain brings it down out of the upper atmosphere to blend in with the lower atmosphere fallout, increasing the malignancy of this catastrophe.