I seem to be up. I didn't go directly to my computer to answer comments and emails today. I took some moments to contemplate my dreams before coming to my desk to swim around in my interface with the world. I had an email from Phil—in Sacramento—that he's not sure if his geiger counter needs new batteries or if all that clicking means we're getting heavy bombardment from beta radiation. I answered him that I thought we are not going to pull off monitoring this ourselves, that very fancy equipment is needed to monitor it, and those with the equipment WON'T let us have the information. I told him I think our best hope is to find the food in the underground bases, either distribute it to the hungry or blow it up, and THAT will stop them, but failing that we oughta be looking to see if we can't migrate to South America.
Then I went to my YouTube account to find this interview with an underground bases expert who has just moved to South America. All those bliss ninnies out there keep insisting that the synchronicities are going to be coming hard and heavy in these times for anyone whose will to transcendence is strong enough. I guess this is some consolation....