I totally suck at math, but I can bully fancy equations into rendering up their secrets to me when it's REALLY important. I used to help friends with their calculus homework, without knowing Thing One about it. When they were stumped I could help them reason their way through the blockage, take the necessary step. It was a marvel to each of them. Somehow it never impressed me that much. I'd get bursts of thinking people with all that highfalutin math could go places I couldn't and that I should figure out a way to buckle down to it, master it, but I always found myself squarely back in the mind that says ptooey on it. I've mastered it already. I master it when it's needful and ignore it when it's not. That is more than fine and prevents all kinds of mucking around in doing things the done way.
I have left professional mathematicians sputtering with rage and disbelief and denial. They will whine on like fundamentalists about how numbers are the building blocks of truth, godlike in their independence from mind, constituents of the universe, holy, all kinds of claptrap. They never have been able to overcome THE point; to wit: that math models the contents of their own minds BECAUSE it is a construct of their own minds. It's perfectly analogous to any other language in that fundamental aspect. One can never SPEAK the truth, the real deal, because it is not OF mental constructs, or consensus, as anyone who has EVER made a genuine attempt to delve into matters spiritual can attest. You can't get there from here. All the ancients stressed it ad nauseam but few ever get what they meant. Mental constructs can, obviously, get you places, but not as far as intuition, as insight. It's not wuwu. It's not fantastical. It's as real as it gets.
I'm sorry Hutchison is so hard to hear, here, but the visuals should give the general thrust.