But it's a pretty tidy list we might want to have handy....
I must really be out of it because it never even occurred to me all those creepy, obviously-faked images, I am seeing everywhere I surf, were put out as THE "serious" proof of death.
Is that so?
Even if Jones can say they already admit the image was faked?
Somebody's doing the math on the shifts in "concerned population" numbers. In fact, that could have been the whole reason they didn't do this until now. They needed X number to drop out from homelessness, old age, death, frustration, attrition to swell the ranks of the hypnotized to bullshit with it. We're harmless dinosaurs.
Does seem to have jogged people off the subject of the obviously-faked birth certificate. I mean, I truly do NOT care if Obama is from Planet X, let alone some different earthly abode. In fact, THE most plausible to me scenario is that he was born in a test tube in an underground lab. It's all beside the point. He shouldn't be president. No one should be president. No one in office should be in office, even if we mystically elect ALL new replacements. It's BROKEN. It's not fixable by charted means.
Quoth the illimitable Farrakhan: "IT'S OVER."
Oh, hey, and NOBODY made any kind of a deal about my "Costellobad" joke. Are you humorless? Are you uptight? I'll have you know, I zinged that one off inside a second from hearing the name of the town for the very first time. There has been NO invitation to appear on The Daily Show. WTF is wrong with everyone?
Somebody needs to go back and see if we can pick up the thread of the missing nukes thing.