I just wildly diverge with the means. Sometimes it gets so pathetic out there that I feel just about as though I shouldn't buck it, as long they get it done... but really I think we will be lucky if there's a planet left to become a paradise for any living thing again. That's about the best we can hope for, if you take a close enough look.
Which would be another reason I like Mike...
RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service... being the links mentioned in Mike's video....
National Weather Service Enhanced Radar Image Loop
Ardent Sentry 11 EXORD for Total Force Accountability 16 May 11
The Coolest Little Particles in Nature
Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer
It occurs to me that all those chest-thumping "patriots" out there are more than capable of MAKING this stop. Can't be that much intel to it, and there so totally have to be ways to disable those planes. Instead, as usual, someone's making a documentary and little towns are declaring themselves nuclear fr... I mean, chemtrail free zones, and people are whining about their representatives who are too [1] frightened and [2] scared or, of course, the ever-popular [3] mean to admit chemtrails are real... yadda yadda yadda....