I know some of you are vexed by either my posting about having realized Judy Wood is right about 9/11, and/or the attention I pay to HAARP theorists, and it's okay with me if you can't hang with it because there was I time I couldn't either, but it could be that gaping at the "spire" image sequence for a few moments, and realizing that this was not a thermite reaction, or the effect of an explosion, or a pancaking building, is all it might take to make you want to look into it more carefully.
DIZZYING ARRAY OF LINKS... that show why a lot of smart people are becoming more and more vigilant about weather "patterns" and radar images and earthquakes and chemtrails and radiation monitoring.
WOOD SPEAKING ON THE EVIDENCE... [original playlist was wiped out by YouTube, so I put in an interview with her that will, I hope, cover much of the same stuff.]... includes an explanation of how the seismic signatures rule out high explosives being mixed with or added to the "thermitic material" in the tower demolitions. This does NOT mean there were no explosions. She means AS the towers were going away. She uses the King Dome demolition as the yardstick for this. Also shows how the rubble did NOT fall into sub-basements, nor did it pile up, as we have been led to believe by media and other sources.
The same physics believed to be at work on the weather and earthquake stuff were at work on 9/11. It can literally change the structure of matter. The technology from it can be used for GREAT good, solve many awful problems for humanity as a whole, but it can also, again—NOT FIGURATIVELY—blow up the planet. It's in the wrong hands.
Something that occurred to me about one of the nagging questions about 9/11—how airplanes could leave airplane-shaped holes in the towers—which I have decided must be related to the speed at impact rather than the strength of either the moving or stationary metal—is that a beam from a scalar weapon could have been messing with the molecular structure of the buildings well in advance of impact. I haven't a clue if that is right, nor have I heard anyone speaking of it, but I know John Hutchison has shown how it can mold one material into another, and if that force were working on the buildings it might explain a lot about those airplane-shaped holes.
Anyway, I hope that if you disagree with me, or are vexed by this stuff, or interested in how I can keep going on about how the state of physics is a lot further along than they will let on, that you will take some time with the links here, look around to maybe catch a wisp of my drift.