Over the top. Beyond the pale. Ridiculous. Why even pretend you're there to prepare to do anything important? I think Jerry would be disgusted. I really do. Lemmings are scrambling to go into monster debt to go to university and be entertained. Fuck.
Life in prison for four dope convictions....
Jerry would be disgusted by this too.
Below, in comments, I link a couple of mp3s of Joseph P Farrell ranting with GeorgeAnn Hughes on the sorry state of education in America. It occurs to me that THE most illustrative point in the whole two and a half hours on the topic was that in order to pass a standardized test one must check the "Lee Harvey Oswald" box on the question of who killed JFK. Almost no one who was around at the time, no matter how young, or anyone who has scrutinized the subject with any degree of attention will tell you that is even remotely feasible, but that IS the answer you must give if you want to pass the test. ALL of the questions on those tests are of this same character, better thought of as "perception management" than "education".
This has to stop.
Further, everyone infected by it, which would be all of us, has to detox. We HAVE to.
More on our general and accelerating stupefaction:
Consider carefully the second article following, in the light of the first:Even if you are not inclined to read it all, merely giving the pieces a quick sacan, and looking at who put out the first piece mentioned here and who put out the second, should speak volumes directly on the point of this post.
Spacetime and Spin
NASA Announces Results of Epic Spacetime Experiment
Note that in the first article, the author gets the history of relativity right: Einstein did not incorporate the idea of torsion — a spiraling and folding and pleating of spacetime in the presence of a rotating mass — into his equations. The reason? The effect of torsion, mathematically, and as indicated by the article itself, was so small, that to simplify calculations, Einstein simply dispensed with it.
Not so his colleagues Lense and Thirring, who recognized something significant was being thrown out, namely, the rotational structure of spacetime itself. As the bulk of the article indicates, there were scientists interested in the possibilities of coupling effects of gravity and magnetism, and gravity and electricity, and with their frame-dragging extension of General Relativity, Lense and Thirring could certainly be argued to fall into that category. The effects of torsion were small, indeed, almost negligible, but nonetheless significant. In fact, we depend on calculations of the Lense-Thirring effect for one simple reason: satellites and the global positioning network. In this age of precise positioning, a variation of a few centimeters, if not calculated on a regular basis, will lead eventually to satellites being “out of position” over a period of time, due to this effect, and that in turn would affect calculations for the entire network.
The first article is interesting for quite a different reason, and that is the short statement to the effect of spin on the idea of dynamic kontrabary (contrabary), or to give it its more popular name, antigravity. Why — if one lets ones arms hang freely and then spins — do the arms want to rise, as if losing weight relative to the axis of spin?
Someone back in the 1920s and 1930s was certainly interested in the connection of all these ideas. And guess who it was? It was Dr. Walther Gerlach, internationally-renowned physicist (for his part in the celebrated Stern-Gerlach experiment), and eventual project head for the Nazi Bell project. But what few people know is that Gerlach conducted a correspondence with Thirring and Lense, precisely over their frame-dragging predictions. All indicators are that Gerlach regarded this as the key to the mystery of gravity… and to its control.
Let us also remember someone else — also not mentioned in the article — who realized that spinning gyroscopes and ultra-fine measurement equipment, might detect small variations of mass over time and dependent upon when and where tests were conducted: Russian astrophysicist Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev.
So what’s the bottom line? My suspicion — and it is only a suspicion — is that these types of measurements and experiments have been running, quietly and secretly, for quite some time. Kozyrev is, for one thing, proof of that. Accurate measurements are required for the mathematical adjustments of the theory.
Even Einstein, having jettisoned torsion in his version of General relativity, reintroduced the notion in some versions of his later unified field theories, a significant step, for it was recognition that there were mysterious coupling effects between gravity and electromagnetism, coupling effects that were, moreover, related to the concept of spin, and the “rotation moment” of local spacetime. — Joseph P Farrell