Maybe I'll write about this later.
I might've linked THIS recently, but you probably didn't listen, and I'm giving you another shot because there is some salient information in here.
You almost certainly have not read Kara Kush, by Idries Shah, but if you have or if you do, you will recognize the wealthy benefactor who helps the struggling mujahideen get the weapons they need to fight off the Soviets. You might also recognize why our old pal OBL was referred to by real warriors as a "Gucci mujahid". I don't think it was clear even to The Sufi, the author, or his high level contacts, just who was the source of all this Gucci—Saudi Gucci—largesse. None of us started waking up to that until the execrable Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski came out boasting of it in his book.
Well, I hope none of you have labored under the delusion that OBL was EVER an enemy of the PTB. He devoted the last decades of his life, selflessly, advancing their cause. OBL was not Afghani. OBL was tolerated in Afghanistan because of all the money he poured into their victory over the Soviets... not for a moment worrying about the sources and purposes for it, being too busy fighting for their lives... or... let's try to be as precise as possible... thinking they were fighting for their lives. It is not clear at all, now, that the Soviets meant to impose anything but stability there, but the freedom fighters and all of us were convinced of the Soviet menace that had to be beaten at all costs.
Well. We're still paying those costs.
It's coming up on three decades since we've been allowed a glimpse into the real beauty and integrity of the Afghan people, and I wonder if the world, or the Afghans, will ever glimpse it again. You can still find copies of Kara Kush extant and I highly recommend it to you. It is a great read, and reading it now, knowing what we know, can be an entertainment that teaches us while it restores our vitality.
I think I'm going to pick up my copy and read it over tonight. It will help me get over this feeling of deep heartsickness over the slobbering media—AND government—glorifying all this cold blooded murder lately, and now, even the pretend murder of their homie, the big bad wolf, a guy who's been dead of his own accord for YEARS. It's filthy. I cannot begin to express how filthy. It is true that sometimes killing is unavoidable in defense of all sentient beings, but the gloating and "jubilation" over it is FILTHY. No one sane finds ANY enjoyment in this stuff.
Old Uncle Dave is wanting to know
Here's a start... and I skipped the psychic and cut to Hoagland telling the world that they've buried OBL at sea. Yes, you read that right.
The dilemma of what to do with Osama bin Laden's body appears to have been quickly resolved if reports that he has been buried at sea prove correct.Right then. Heeeeere we go.
Too much freezer burn to pass the autopsy.