Desperate to score points....
Gbagbo's dramatic arrest came after days of heavy fighting during which French and U.N. helicopters fired rockets at arms depots around the city and targets within the presidential compound. Ouattara's final push began just after French airstrikes ceased at around 3 a.m. Monday. A simultaneous French armored advance secured large parts of the city and pro-Ouattara troops entered the presidential compound just after midday.Or something.
Probably gonna end up getting my vote for headline of the day....
It appears that there were secret foreign benefactors giving state-of-the-art weapons to Benghazi terror gangs in the coup attempt, and the VIDEO even shows Western trainers showing them how to use the weapons against the Libyan Army. The Benghazi terrorist Libyan rebels from the Feb. 17 uprising appear to be paid mercenaries and Libyan expatriates, mixed in with naive students and Al Qaeda veteran foreign fighters, who each hope that they will come out on top.Icke sounds mildly surprised. Odd, innit?
The liberté, égalité, fraternité thing does not exactly extend to Muslims...
Now you would think that given France's belated rush to save North African, and mostly Muslim, lives, the country was a model of solid social relations and stability at home. Suppose those Libyan civilians fleeing daily barrages from Gaddafi's tanks fled to France, they would enjoy a peaceful future there free from stigmatisation and social isolation, right? Well, no. The men may get by but the women, if they choose to wear the niqab, had better stay in Libya....except as elections near and the polls are against you.
As of today, the French state will forbid face coverings in public, a measure which, while couched in generalisations, is aimed specifically at outlawing some 2,000 or so Muslim women from deciding how they dress and conform to their religion.
The government of President Nicolas Sarkozy has pledged the full force of the law to enforce these measures.