I am trying mightily hard to cast sparks that might strike the mind at just the right tangent and spin, at just the right moment to ACTUALLY communicate something to my friends and visitors. I'm trying to communicate stuff that words don't peg, but use of the lingo might harken. I'm trying not to be futilely laboring to bodily drag you out of prison, but you will not find me that graceful about your determination to stay in it.
Anyone who has been paying attention for a matter of years might detect a strange evolution, or be vexed by apparent changes in my positions. I learn. I make my mistakes and I identify them myself, appreciate the living snot out of any help with it, and I grow out of them myself. I don't stay in my cell. In fact, when I find myself headed there for a nap, I disappear it as fast as I can. Some people see what is fundamentally so and instantly drop all their conditioning. Others take stupidly long to shed the bullshit. I would be one of those others, and being decked by that surgery set me back a looooong way, but it did NOT knock me out.
This has been recovering and continuing along my path. I am not one of you. I love you. I love you. I love you, but I am not one of you. Yes, yes, I am you, but you don't know that one.
That I bring in bits about finance or economics does not mean I hold with an ion of it. It's TOTAL crap. UTTER delusion, and that we must live with it has irked me since earliest childhood. I could tell from the first instant it was explained to me you had to put money in a bank to get any out that adults are jackasses. The world has pushed me and pulled me and squeezed me like I'm its pizza dough or taffy, but the TRUTH is: money is horseshit from start to finish. Whoever thought it up was NOT a warmblooded creature.
I realized somewhere in my teens that politics is NO way to manage human affairs, that people who would engage in it were thereby proven unqualified, and no amount of engaging with it and listening to vastly experienced others has managed to budge that bottom line in fact, and I have completely thrown down my urges to get in there and shine a light on the ludicrous cognitive errors working furiously to enslave everyone because that is me exhausting myself in the impossible task of dragging you out of your prison cells. You have to do it yourself. I can only point to the wide open cell door and if you won't leave your squalid little cot, it just has to break my heart, but cannot stop me.
I have stated many, many times that voting and what we call our Constitution are dead letters, and have become over the course of the last decade tertiary concerns... at best. If you will persist in your dawdling there, the entirety of Greater Blogistan is there to oblige you. If you still think we can vote—or petition, or bark, or write, or video—our way to a better country, you have obviously NOT been heeding all this news we're sucking up, NOT taking the lessons from the world, and I don't care WHAT story you have to obfuscate this fact, all you are doing is repeating a mantra, thinking what you've always thought, thinking what was programmed into you to think. If you expect me to be convivial about that, you don't know what love is. We cannot completely ignore it because that is suicide, and I only vote, and only for Christopher Walken, because I will not just hand that over to them, but continuing to let one's energy go there is WORSE than ignoring it altogether... unless, of course, you can DO something real about it.
I try to find people who are on the right track. I try to find people who are thinking outside the box for real, or acting like true humans and making the attempt, however wobbly or goofy or even plain wrong they might be. I'm looking for the intent, the motive force, the good faith action part, the examples of the kind of people, regardless of background or credentials or political view or status, who merit our attention... because they're not liars, because they aren't hypnotized, because they are performing on the imperative to TRY.
One of my regulars here has expressed vexation with the one or two line comments from people, disparages the lack of thoughtfulness or engagement with anything brought up in the posts, or in the comments. I know the feeling. I have felt resentment about all the hours I've put in making serious contributions to other people's blogs, and all the hard work that goes into trying to raise the conversation that is flushed the moment I try to rest. I think, actually, it was recognition of this very thing that inspired the invention of Twitface! And, ka-ching, they're billionaires for pandering to it. Bully for them. All that, too, becomes subsumed by the gaping maw of fascism. All those people engaged in it. Still, it is not mine to hassle people about this. I am grateful for almost all comments here for a number of reasons. One of them is that the gift of anyone's time is not trivial. I didn't even have comments on my blog for quite a while because I did not want to make anyone feel pressure to take out time to say something.
And, in fact, I do sometimes look around at places that have what would seem at first glance to be a raised level of conversation going on in their threads. Guess what. They're really little more than the one-liners you find elsewhere, just wordier. When someone has something important to contribute and the energy to get it down in a comment, that is just plain wonderful, and I'm grateful as heck I don't have a bunch of airheads blathering away here as though they know something. I also sometimes peruse the forums of the self-styled enlightened and that is just endless strings of blatant fraudulence doing the minuet day in and day out, year in and year out. I liked how Icke nailed that action in his interview with Henrik the other day. Power fist shot up on that one for sure.
Nope, guys. It's gonna be real here. I am the first one to admit I am weird. It's completely up to you if you want to bother with it at all. I just don't want people being snide about each others' inputs. I don't want people bringing their personality disorders in to fuck with your heads. I don't want anything but to give you what help I can in breaking out of hell.
Oh, uh, right! I meant to point out that I value your contributions and have taken up giving you your own label on the nines when I have used something you brought up. I mean it. I'm grateful for the chance to know you.