Ran across a Russian guy explaining why we attacked Libya. I thought the specs for Libya's quality of life under his video were worth noting:
* GDP per capita - $14,192This is almost a mirror of what we did to Yugoslavia, and so many third world countries. Nothing new about it. It seems, though, that we don't learn. So perhaps some of you will want to take out the hour to listen to Perkins on how this works again.
* Unemployment benefit - $730
* Each family member subsidized by the state gets annually $1,000
* Salary for nurses - $1,000
* For every newborn is paid $7,000
* The bride and groom receive a $64 thousand to purchase flats
* Major taxes and levies prohibited
* To open a personal business a one-time financial assistance of $20,000
* Education and medicine are free
* Educational Internships abroad - at government expense
* Stores for large families with symbolic prices for basic foodstuffs
* Part of pharmacies - with free dispensing
* Loans for buying a car and an apartment - no interest
* Real estate services are prohibited
* Buying a car up to 50% paid by the State
* No Payment for electricity for the population
* Sales and use of alcohol is prohibited
* Petrol is cheaper than water - 1 liter of gasoline is 14¢
I decided to replace the image link with a playlist of Perkins interviews and lectures... to give a fuller picture.