Agent BB2 has left some good Cryptome links in comments down the page. I post them here for those on the feed or those who don't read comments.
Look HERE, and then HERE, and don't miss HERE... and now Phil adds HERE....
Obviously, somebody inside doesn't hold with the general nuclear mindfuck in progress.
I wonder if it was predicted....
I just had a classically irascible thought. I wonder how many capitalist pinheads have moved into geiger counter futures....
I came across this animated graphic last night. It takes a long time to load and play, but it paints the picture of the number and magnitude of the Japan quakes over the last five weeks. It's horrifying. So, if you will hazard the load time and processor drag, prepare to get your mind blown HERE.
Being as how we are getting some serious amounts of fallout, all of us Norte Americanos, but maybe double-plus-good right here in Khoonkhwuttunne, I am about to endure this interview to see if it provides any good information.
Bessie comes on in the third segment to call it LEGALIZED MURDER! Power fist, power fist, right on, Bessie.