I just had myself another good cry over the nuclear accidents thing, and so I think I'm gonna listen to last night's goofiness about alien hybrids. WE are, obviously, at least hybrid alien, if not full blooded alien, so this is probably going to be extra-silly, but, fine. That suits me just fine at the moment.
I may not have already linked the ARCHIVE for my doctoral work... or maybe I did, but it doesn't hurt to do it again.
And, for any of you already out there on the sundry feeds and things, I need to remind you that a lot of my posts update over the course of a day, sometimes two, and so you want to click-in to the blog if you are particularly interested to see if more has popped up on any given subject, or even amalgamation of them. This is the most apt to happen with the nukequake posts, but, really, all of them.
Just sayin'....
Jim Marrs updates us....
Kool-Aid PieNever forget....
* 1 14-ounce can sweetened condensed milk
* 1 envelope Kool-Aid (any flavor)
* 1 small tub Cool Whip, thawed
Mix ingredients until thoroughly combined. Pour into ready-made graham cracker pie crust and refrigerate at least one hour before serving.
For any gluttons for punishment left awake.
I only got part way through making this playlist before I went out like a light. I got far enough to know I don't want to bother memorializing the first hour. So, once back awake to finish it, this starts with the fourth video in the series on purpose.