Ya think?
For five consecutive weeks, Americans have bought less gas than they did a year earlier, according to MasterCard Spending Pulse, which tracks the volume of gas sold at 140,000 service stations nationwide.No excuse to pack a bunch of propaganda into your mindscape seems to be too flimsy for them.
For the week of April 1, drivers bought about 2.4 million fewer gallons than they did one year earlier, or 3.6 percent. That was the biggest decline since December, when people were staying home because of snowstorms.
Has anyone ever just asked a public official point blank WTF is up with this chemtrails shit? Wouldn't that be a good use of the Twitter feeds and town halls ramping into high gear for the 2012 election?
Ix-nay on the oncrete-cay... or maybe EPCO-Tay....
Just a timely reminder for hoarders....
Don't you think it's time to change the name of Tahrir Square?
It has just become manifest to me that browsers can all be customized in ways I never thought possible before. I don't know which features are unique to which browsers, or if they all now provide similar services, but in Safari, just as a for-instance, I can see YouTube videos without all the clutter, and I can use my own dimmer switch at whatever dimness I like. There are many, many more customization extensions available. I think they call them add-ons in Firefox. I have no clue about the other browsers, but Safari also gives you an extension for solving the light-on-dark and dark-on-light dilemma over which we have been agonizing here. The future, it would seem, is now.