At last I find something for you that confirms my position on the Fukushima catastrophe, particularly Unit 3, and points directly to exactly how perfidious the little Gundersen updates and tutorials actually are. It wasn't hydrogen exploding merely the roof off the building. It was the core exploding. THESE images erase any doubt. I have not been concerning myself so much with the other units. Not so much because they are marginally less lethal, as that the whole matter of disinformation to the public is so much more clearly illustrated by the condition of Unit 3. I think they even mention that you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know there's no cooling pond or top to the core containment left at Unit 3.
This isn't news to any of us, but it certainly strengthens one's argument to people one wishes to help stop falling for the official pronouncements. That is huge. That is valuable. No really. I might not have gotten my emergency surgery that kept me out of a wheelchair quickly enough if I had not seen the MRIs showing my spinal canal so greatly impinged by bulging discs. It was so blatant that even I could see at a glance it was a total trainwreck in there. So I believed the doctor right away. Didn't have to go through all the evaluating involved in whether or not to believe a surgeon telling me I need surgery yesterday. That's what's going on with my fixation on Unit 3... and with Gundersen's reticence to mention it.
Sam mentioned earlier about Busby's advice to lay off dairy products. I think the situation is that if we want to protect ourselves from the sequela of such a massive release of deadly isotopes we have to seal ourselves in radiation-proof bubbles and eat only food that comes from a planet with no radioactive isotopes circulating. Short of that, we do as much immune support and detoxifying things as we can. Nothing that is touched by most of the awful things unleashed by this catastrophe will be safe. It will be worse from right there in Japan and places nearby, but it will be bad everywhere. The one gripe I have with Chris Busby's input is that he is talking about the lethality in terms of the statistically few people who will develop serious disease. He's doing the opposite of what the government is doing.
The government isn't sweating it because [1] they'd love more people to sicken and die, and [2] the numbers, the statistics, don't merit the kind of money and effort needed to mitigate. Busby seems to think ONE person dying from this is too many, and I am with him on that 100%, except this means he will be doing things like mentioning that cutting out dairy products might be prudent. It might if whatever else you would consume weren't as contaminated with strontium, iodine, cesium, uranium, plutonium, and a very long string of other nasty things.
So I take my kelp and drink my chlorophyl and all the rest of my vitamins and minerals and repeat that this must stop. Nuclear energy and nuclear weapons... and nuclear medicine... must stop. Or the planet is killed. If the materials and waste can be neutralized somehow, that is a different story, but failing that, it has to end. There well may be enough of it still contained, but unable to be permanently contained, that the planet is already killed, but there CERTAINLY is if we don't stop it now.
What options do you have? There isn't anywhere to go to get out of it. There isn't any food from planet earth that won't be as tainted as the atmosphere. There's only one thing for it. And it's NOT raising the minimum acceptable levels at the EPA.
I think you'll find THIS good listening too. It seems Google must have taken Easter Sunday to do something to their YouTube service, and so embeds everywhere are not working... not even on YouTube itself in some cases... but I'm finding the sound is still working....
And THIS, too, is something you don't want to miss. I have just seen that the YouTube embed problem is only happening on my Safari browser. This usually means that whoever upgraded at YouTube has forgotten to write the upgrade so it is compatible with Safari. Or maybe they didn't forget. Maybe they just didn't care. A great deal of energy has gone into dissing Apple recently, and so I am unsure if it's all true or if it's all about stock manipulation, but YouTube won't let me see embeds on sites and only lets me hear videos on YouTube itself when I am on my Safari browser.
It must stop, and we can't go about it in ways they can mange or it continues.