I have more trouble with that site, and today it doesn't want to even let me get near it. Most of the time there are merely eighteen or twenty features being bolloxed up on there and bad slowness—get away from my black ass, you old honky injun—just as though Glen is completely appalled by my crush on him. It has succeeded in daunting me, and I don't even try to go there nearly as often as before, but today is a big no dice at all. I am choosing to view this as BAR getting a monster grant for being brilliant, brave and black, and their site is down pending a complete overhaul into the mega-site that shall spearhead the demise of our first half white president. You can rest assured I will only be voting for an Obama if its first name is SASHA. Otherwise, I'm begging EVERYONE to write-in Christopher Walken in 2012.